Sorry this is a day late, folks. I was sick over the weekend, and was still getting over it yesterday, so postponed this posting until today. All is well, not to worry...
A random field that we thought would be more exciting because of an interesting looking path. Such a let down :p |
It's ok that you don't have any notes, dad sent me some. They were
pretty good. I'm sorry that you've been sick. You know...(she appreciates the mail she gets from her some of her brothers.)
This week was
busy as always. We pushed Ts date back a week because we wanted to be
sure that he was ready, so now he's actually getting baptized on the
6th, along with a bunch of the Elders' investigators. But we did have a
baptism on Saturday, a grandma and a granddaughter. It was amazing. So
wonderful to see them making covenants with God. It was great.
I've been
trying to improve my personal studies, it's coming slowly. I'm still
working on the lesson points. It's really crazy to think that
my first transfer is almost over. The time really does fly. I'm
learning so much, and improving myself a ton. I'm learning to really
change myself to be more Christlike. At least that is what I am focusing
on right now. I'm learning to better love those around me.
super weird spending all day every day with a girl. I can say something
like "this house is so cute!" and she'll agree with me. I'm so used to
boys and their indifference to such frivolous things that when I
"indulge" if that's event the right word, in girly moments it's really
refreshing. (Now it's her mom that stuck with the bunch of boys...come visit me girls!)
I have had a lot of opportunities to serve. There
is a sister in our ward who likes to have the missionaries come help at
her gym. And we've helped clean the church. We offer to help out a lot,
but nobody actually asks for it.
That part member family,
the husband, he's totally awesome!! We had stake conference last Sunday,
and he came to that. We were getting a new stake presidency, (and our
bishop actually got called to the position of the first counselor by the
way) and there was an area seventy there. He was talking about the power
of conversion in the Book of Mormon. I really wish I had takes notes,
it was incredible. So we walk into our lesson on Tuesday with this
investigator, and he tells us that he is ready to be baptized. We're
like, "What! No way!" We weren't even going to ask him to be, we were
just going to teach him what we believe. This guy is totally awesome. We
learn later from his brother in law that he has a big thing for coffee,
and he said that J (the investigator) was not going to give it up. So
we planned to skip lesson three and teach about he Word of Wisdom the
next time we meet. So we walk into our lesson on Saturday, and his wife
says that he's been reading about the Word of Wisdom. Just out of the
blue he started studying it while they were driving to Louisiana this
week. And we're like, "What! Now way!" All over again. He's always one
step ahead of us, just preparing for the next lesson by following the
prompting a of the Spirit. This guy is totally golden. He is basically
teaching himself. Now they are going to be out of town a lot this month
so we had to set a date for the beginning of April. I just hope that we
will still be here, and I'm pretty sure we will be. President Walkolo
has pretty much said that we will be here for a while.
week is walk week. So we will not have a car, and it's going to be
awesome! I don't know how we're going to get to a lot of our
appointments yet, but as we plan and coordinate with members, the Lord
will provide a way. This will be my first walk week, at the end of my
first transfer. Always with the new experiences.
I love you
all, me thanks for your letters of support. Keep me in the loop with all
that is going on, and don't hesitate to send a random letter by snail
mail, it's fun to get.
Love, Kimber
Everything in italics was added by Mom B.